
We start the season by protecting the seed trays from slugs and snails. Try putting your seed tray on a board supported by short pillars, then circle the pillars with Slug Rings. Or just rest a board on the slugrings themselves!


We put Slug Rings around plants as soon as the seeds have germinated and can be seen above ground or as we transplant them into the vegetable beds. 

Brassicas (including swedes)

We plant out the seedlings and protect them with large Slug Rings, leaving them on for the whole of the growing season.

Broad Beans, Bush Beans and Sweetcorn

Protect with small rings until they are 9 inches high and no longer at risk of being wiped out by a little slug damage. Then you can use the rings elsewhere.

Carrots and parsnips

These seedlings need protecting with small rings to give them a chance to get started, then the rings can come off.

French Beans, Runner Beans and peas 

We sow two seeds in a small ring so that the bean shoots are protected from the moment they appear. After the beans are 9 inches tall and relatively safe from slug damage we take the rings off to use elsewhere.

Lettuce, Rocket, Salad Leaves, Spinach

These spend the whole of their lives protected by large rings. Cut away overhanging leaves to prevent bridges in for slugs and snails

Tomatoes, Peppers and Chillies 

The young plants get protected by small Slug Rings. The older plants don't need protecting but we leave the rings in place as the fruits, particularly peppers, seem to be a favourite with snails.
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